Thursday, May 27, 2010

Clogs: Definite No to the No Power

Wooden blocks have found themselves out of your closet again. Ahhhh. Go Away! Remember those ugly chunky things you wore in 6th grade. Yea, those. I'm guilty of having a pair too. They are ALIVE again. Tell you what, I were you, I'd put them back in your closet and hide them. Possibly destroy them if you can.

Who the heck would spend $495 on these?  Just because they are Miu Miu doesn't mean they are the best item you can possibly own right now.
 What's in doesn't mean its hot...Please don't embarrass yourself this season...


  1. OMG i feel the same about these...Sorry i don't own any anymore...thank god!!

  2. I wore these when the movie clueless came out, whatever happened to Contempo Casuals???
